Charging & Remission

Here are Tarporley CE Primary School we want everyone to be able to embrace our vision and 'Let Your Light Shine' (Matthew 5:16). If you have any issues regarding payments please contact the school office and book an appointment for a confidential chat about a way forward.

Sections 449-462 of the Education Act 1996 set out the law on charging for school activities in schools maintained by local authorities in England.

Amongst other things, we do not charge for:

  • Education provided during school hours (including the supply of any materials, books, instruments or other equipment);

  • Tuition for pupils learning to play musical instruments if the tuition is required as part of the National Curriculum (eg. Yr4 Brass Project)

  • Swimming as this is part of the National Curriculum.

We do charge for:

  • Any materials, books, instruments, or equipment, where the child’s parent wishes to own them;

  • Private music and vocal tuition eg. Music for life; Rocksteady

  • Optional extras; this includes lunchtime and after-school clubs (because this is education provided outside of school time that is not part of the National Curriculum)

Voluntary Contributions

Occasionally, we ask parents / carers for a voluntary contribution for specific school activities (usually a class trip or to pay for a visitor to school) or for the benefit of the school generally (although this would nearly always be an area where PTA would be involved). No child is excluded from an activity simply because his or her parents / carers are unwilling or unable to pay. If insufficient voluntary contributions are raised to fund an activity, then it would be cancelled. Often, we pay additional costs in order to support the event. The PTA fund a coach for each year group every year and the coaches for the Pantomime visit.


In circumstances of family hardship that make it difficult for pupils to take part in particular activities for which a charge is made or if parent(s) are in receipt of the following benefits, then the school will invite parents to apply in confidence for the remission of charges in part or in full. Authorisation of the remission will be made by the headteacher.

  • In receipt of Free School Meals  / Ever 6

  • Looked After Children / Child in Care

  • Income Support

  • Income-based Jobseeker's Allowance

  • An income-related employment and support allowance

  • Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999

  • Child Tax Credit (provided they are not entitled to Working Tax Credit) and have an annual income that does not exceed £16,190 as assessed by Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs* 

  • The Guarantee element of State Pension Credit

More details can be found in the 'Charging for School Activities' document produced by the DfE published 2018. 

DFE Charging & Remissions

Tarporley CE Primary, Park Road, Tarporley, Cheshire, CW6 0AN

Tel: 01829 708188 | Email:

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